الأحد، 14 نوفمبر 2010

happy feast

First Draft

Educational system* * 

              Educational system is the most important systems in a country. Through education, we can know the level of the country. We can know whether it is developed or not. The methods of teaching help on determining the mentality of the students .it is education which builds the mentality of the youth. It helps them to realize themselves and the world around them. Some educational systems try to make students achieve the highest stages of thought. They use all stages of learning. Others concentrate on the lowest stage of learning, which is memorization. They are learning for the exams.

             Education means the production of the perfect citizen. It should help persons to know themselves and the environment around them. It should not be concerned with memorization only, but it should develop all their skills. Memorization is very important as education without that skill will be meaningless. Students should memorize, understand, apply, and fix the information they are studying. Those are sequential stages. Students should start with memorization, the first and the lowest stage of learning, and move forward to the higher stages.  When education achieve these stages or most of them, it will be perfect. That will help to produce reliable persons who will work for the good of their society.      
               Education in Egypt is totally different. It is mainly concerned with memorization. It is the only skill that is measured in exams. There are numerous kinds of questions, but all of them were made to memorize only. Even in math's, students memorize the sums. If it came in a different way to make the students improve their skills, they would say that it is not included in the curriculum. Student always take the information, memorize it, then write them in the exam, and forget it. I do not think that there is anyone who use the information studied in their real life. Learning is to have a paper to use it to work. That’s why we are no more needed in the labor work.

             To sum up, education is the main determiner of the quality of the person. Every country is trying to change the basics of it system to be able to produce reliable persons. They should have the quality that allows them to help in the development of their country. With the development of education, it will result in the development of the whole system of the country. It should improve their skills to be creative persons.


pre-writing ( outline )

Educational system* *

* The importance of educational system in determining the level of the country.

Paragraph 1:
* The meaning of education.
Paragraph 2:
* Education in Egypt.

* Education is the development.

الجمعة، 5 نوفمبر 2010

Final Draft

** Illegal Immigration **

             Illegal immigration is one of the most spread activities in the world . It is usually from developing countries to developed countries . This activity is practised by all members of society especially adult as proved by studies . They have more resbonsibilities more than others . Everyone looks how to lead an easy and a confortable life to himself and his family . They start to look for money , but it is not easy to find . Looking for the easiest way , they pay little money to cross the borders illegally . There are two opposing sides related to that activity . The first one claims that they will have a  chance of a new life , higher social status , and higher economic level . The counter opinion argues that they may face death or being arrested , feel lonely , and practise illegal jobs .
             Illegal immigration is a profitable chance for adults .They think that it is their  chance for a better life . They will be able to change their social status .They feel inferior because they have little money . they believe that money is the only way of happiness .By getting it,they will be more relaxed and comfortable . All what they have to do is to finish their work , and they will take their right . It is the more work you do , the more profit you get . Unlike woking in developing countries especially Egypt , who does not work is like who does , and they may be appreciated more than others . By this equality , they will be able to improve their social status and economic level . They will have wealth which is the power of our days .Some adults were lucky and found who appreciate them . They return to their home with the money that they had dreamed of . by this money, they will get whatever they need , and do whatever they want without the limitations of poverty and other factors . Through illegal immigration , they will change their lives completely to the best . 
                In spite of these profits , illegal immigration may destroy their life . Directed to their destination , adults may face death or they may get arrested and both are suicidal acts . In death , they are ending their life actually , but in the second case they are ending it slowly .we can see that in  ' Drawned Dreams " article published by AL-AHRAM WEEKLY in14 November2007. The dreams of over 200 egyptians , who wanted to escape difficult economic conditions were drawned in the ocean .If they were lucky and crossed the borders , they would face other problems . Loneliness is the first and the basic . It will be too hard to live among people that are different from them in every thing  after being between family and friends . unconsciously , They may be involved in dangerous and illegal jobs (as drug trade , organ trade , ..... ) to get a lot of money for little work . They may know their fault , but they do not have a choice or it may be too late . They can not find the appropriate job they came for , and can not return back for lack of money . At last , they realize their fault .
             This topic will still a very debatable one . Anyone looks for his own benifit to gain more money , but I agree with the second opinion saying that illegal immigration is a very dangerous activity . I do not know how anyone risk his life for getting money ?!!!! . Who were looking for new lives may end it . All what they consider is to start their life without financial problems . It will be too difficult to find a job even with little money .To get higher social status and economic level , they have to search everywhere for a job . If they did not find , they have to look in the labour work , and know what qualifications are required to improve themselves .  At first , it will be very hard , but they will be proud of themselves . Illegal immigration is the result of the increasing gab between developed and developing countries .  they have to unify to reduce it .